Chinese scientists claim to have found 24 types of ‘coronavirus’, said – four are exactly like Covid-19


Washington: Where did coronavirus come from? To find out, the demand for investigation has started rising once again. Meanwhile, Chinese researchers have claimed to have detected a new type of coronavirus in bats. CNN has informed in its report that the newly discovered coronavirus species may be genetically very close to the Covid-19 virus. Researchers say that the new discovery of the coronavirus in southwest China suggests that bats may contain several types of coronavirus, which can also infect humans.

In a report published in the journal Cell, researchers from Shandong University said, “We have collected 24 types of novel coronaviruses from different species of bats, of which four viruses are like SARS-CoV-2.” These samples have been collected from bats living in small forests between May 2019 and November 2020. Researchers said that they have also taken samples of mouth swabs along with an examination of urine and feces of bats.

According to Chinese researchers, a virus is genetically very similar to SARS-CoV-2. SARS-CoV-2 is the only coronavirus that has caused havoc all over the world. He said, “It is very similar to Covid-19 except for the spike protein, its structure is also similar to what is commonly seen in viruses to attach to cells.”


In the research paper, Chinese researchers wrote, “Combining the SARS-Cov-2 virus found in Thailand in June 2020, these results prove that the spread of coronavirus in bats is very high and intensive. This also shows that The frequency of spread of coronavirus can be very high in some areas. The discovery of new types of coronavirus has come to the fore at a time when there is a demand for a fresh investigation led by the World Health Organization about the origin of Covid-19 all over the world.

G7 countries including America have intensified the demand for investigation in this regard. Even after 1.5 years of the first case of corona infection in Wuhan city of China, it is not known where the virus came from? Scientists are also demanding that the claims of leaking of corona from Wuhan lab should also be investigated further and the truth should be ascertained.
