Mukesh Ambani became world’s fourth-richest person,

has total assets of $ 80.6 billion

Mukesh ambani

New Delhi: Reliance Industries Chairman Mukesh Ambani has now become the fourth richest person in the world. This year, Mukesh Ambani’s total assets have increased by about $ 22 billion. According to the Bloomberg Billionaire Index, Mukesh Ambani’s total assets have now reached $ 80.6 billion. However, in the meantime, there has been a big decline in the property of Bernard Arnault of France. Bloomberg has said in one of its reports that the biggest reason for Arnault’s property decline this year has been low spending by customers.

Mukesh ambani

This year, Mukesh Ambani left these billionaires behind
Last month itself, Mukesh Ambani had left many illustrious billionaires behind in terms of property. This includes Tesla and SpaceX founders Elon Musk and Alphabet Inc. co-founders Sergei Brin and Larry Page. Apart from this, Mukesh Ambani has also left behind the legendary investment Warren Buffet Net Worth in terms of property.

Since March 2020, shares of Reliance Industries Limited have registered a sharp rise so far. Shares of Reliance Industries closed at Rs 2,146 per share (RIL Share Price) on the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) after a day’s trading on Friday. This was an increase of 0.56 percent over the previous day.

After April, many global companies have announced to invest in Reliance Industries’ technology unit Jio Platforms (Jio Platfroms). First on April 22, the social media company Facebook announced to invest Rs 43,574 crore for 9.99 per cent stake. After this, many companies announced to buy a stake in Jio platforms continuously. Lastly, Google has also announced an investment of Rs 33,737 crore for 7.7% stake.

Arnault lost $ 25 billion this year
On the other hand, shares of LVMH, owned by Bernard Arnault, have fallen this year. This is why Arnault has suffered the most in the top 500 billionaires in 2020. This year Arnault’s assets fell by $ 25.1 billion, after which his total assets have come down to $ 80.2 billion.

These are the top 3 billionaires
In the list of the world’s biggest billionaires, now ahead of Mukesh Ambani and the first place is Amazon Inc. founder Jeff Bezos. Bezos has total assets of about $ 187 billion. At the same time, Bill Gates is on second place with $ 121 billion. Whereas, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg is at number three with 102 billion dollars.
