Monsoon will be normal this year, but it will rain less in June: Meteorological Department


New Delhi: The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has forecast a normal monsoon for the entire rainy season this year, saying the country is likely to receive below-normal rainfall in June.

D Shivanand Pai, head of IMD’s Environmental Monitoring and Research Center (EMRC), said, “Except for some areas of South Peninsular India, North-West India, Far North India and some areas of Northeast India, in most parts of the country in June. Less than normal rainfall is expected. Above-normal rains are likely over Northeast India.


He told a press conference that despite the onset of El Nino, the southwest monsoon is expected to be normal this season. He said that El Nino conditions arise due to the warming of the equatorial Pacific Ocean. He said that the monsoon core zone comprising most of the rain-fed agriculture areas of the country is likely to receive normal seasonal rainfall in the range of 94 to 106 percent of the Long Period Average (LPA).
