If there is a jam, you will not have to pay the toll! Transport Ministry is preparing a plan


New Delhi: If there is a jam on the toll plaza in the future, you may not have to pay the toll. The Ministry of Road Transport is preparing such a scheme so that the drivers do not have to face traffic jam. Actually, even after FASTag is mandatory, the toll plaza is jammed and people’s time is being wasted. Keeping this in mind, the Ministry of Road Transport is preparing to implement the new system.

According to the officials of the Ministry of Road Transport, after the fastag became mandatory from February 15, NHAI itself is monitoring all toll plazas of NHAI. On the basis of daily reports, it is coming out that despite the increase in the use of fastag in vehicles, the toll is still jammed. The drivers are also angry about the fact that even after using the fastag, the toll has to be stuck in the jam. While NHAI said before making fastag mandatory, people will not have to stop on toll after fastag becomes mandatory. In this way, the driver will save time after fastening.


Tolls will not be paid in these situations
According to an official of the Ministry of Road Transport, preparation is being made to construct a line in a limited distance at each toll. When the queues of vehicles reach this line, it will be mandatory for the toll operator to open all toll gates. During this time, all the vehicles on the toll will leave without paying the toll. When the toll plaza becomes empty after the vehicle leaves, the toll can be charged again. How far the line should be drawn on the toll, thus the final has not been done yet. However, the traffic flow will depend on the length of the line toll. At present, fasting has become mandatory at around 752 tolls. In this, around 575 belong to NHAI and toll plazas of remaining states.
