‘Couples protest against Corona restrictions in Russia, many couples together kiss in the moving metro


Mumbai: At present, there are many restrictions due to Corona in most countries of the world. In Public Places, many rules have been made due to Corona restrictions. Hundreds of Couples in Russia expressed their protest against the Restriction by kissing together in the moving Metro. Kissing videos of several couples simultaneously is now becoming viral on social media.

According to reports, in Yekaterinburg, Russia, the couples protested while kissing together at the same time. Some of these couples have said in a conversation with Life website that, “Our aim is neither to hurt anyone’s feelings nor to spoil any public service.”

Some people in the conversation said that according to the government, the risk of the virus is high in concerts and restaurants and hence there is restriction on going to nightclubs and evening shows. At the same time, people are traveling in congestion in the metro, but the government is not bothered by this, while the risk of infection in such cases is high.

The report said that, due to Corona, the conditions of night life around the world have deteriorated due to which many people are facing economic recession. In 2019, the UK was growing at around 11 per cent in the music industry and contributes around £ 6 billion to the UK economy. But this year, due to Corona, only 3 billion pounds of music industry has added to the economy.


Britain also has strict restrictions due to the Corona virus and is having a profound impact on many industries. However, the Vaccination Campaign has started in Russia and it is expected that the corona will be controlled soon in the country.
