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RBI Mumbai

Bomb threat to RBI and other banks in Mumbai, sender seeks resignation of Sitharaman...

Mumbai: A bomb threat email was sent to the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and two other banks in Mumbai on Tuesday, demanding the...
Saturn-retrograde may 2021

Saturn(Shani) will be retrograde from tomorrow

In astrology, Saturn is considered a cruel and sinful planet. The life of a person is badly affected by the inauspicious effects of Saturn...
Modis Twitter account hacked

PM Narendra Modi’s Twitter account hacked late at night? CERT-IN team engaged in tracing

New Delhi: According to the big news of the morning, hackers have now broken into the official Twitter account of Prime Minister Narendra Modi,...
Balram Bhargava ICMR chief

40 percent of the country’s population is at risk of corona: ICMR chief

New Delhi: Indian Council of Medical Research's Director-General Balram Bhargava said on Tuesday that, "Herd immunity was found in 70 percent of the total...
surya Namaskar

Ministry of AYUSH to organize global Surya Namaskar program on occasion of Makar Sankranti

New Delhi: The Ministry of AYUSH will organize a Global Surya Namaskar Program for 75 lakh people on the day of Makar Sankranti on...
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