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Over 10 crore gold looted in Darbhanga

Over 10 crore gold looted in Darbhanga in broad daylight, criminals escaped by firing...

Darbhanga: In Darbhanga today, criminals have looted about 10 crore gold in broad daylight. This morning, criminals attacked a wholesaler of gold and silver...
Data leak

Data leak of 1 million Facebook users, Meta advised its users to change...

New Delhi: 'Facebook-Meta' has issued a warning of leaking the information of 1 million users with passwords. Along with this, the company said...

India calls for cooperation between countries, companies to stop misinformation

United Nations: India has appealed for greater cooperation between nations and technology companies to stop the dissemination of misinformation related to Covid-19, saying that...

Filtering the Unfilterable in Indian Oil and Gas Market

​UK technology business Evove has granted Indian membrane system supplier Aquabrane a licence to deploy anti-fouling graphene-oxide coatings to purify difficult wastewaters full of...

Due to programs ‘Har Ghar Tiranga’ and ‘Meri Mati Mera Desh’, secondary schools will...

Lucknow: Big news is coming out from Lucknow, the capital of UP, where a big decision has been taken regarding the schools of the...
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