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Lieutenant General Aseem Munir

Lieutenant General Aseem Munir will be the new army chief of Pakistan

Islamabad: Pakistan has finally got a new army chief. Lieutenant General Asim Munir will be the new Army Chief of Pakistan. For the last...

Paperwiff Presents “Sinf-e-Ahan to Celebrate Feminine Power

Paperwiff - a unique blogging platform for social journalism and content management - will be organizing one of its kind storytelling and poetry event...

Prince Harry will explain the reason for breaking ties with the palace

London: Queen Elizabeth II will appear on television on 7 March to celebrate the Commonwealth. During this time, she will issue a TV message....
Bharat Bandh paralyzes Delhi

Two deaths mar farmers’ protest as Bharat Bandh paralyzes Delhi

New Delhi: The farmers' agitation against the Centre's policies turned tragic on Friday as two people, including a 63-year-old farmer, died while participating in...
Putin assassination attempt

Putin’s assassination attempt! 2 drones shot down, Kremlin told Ukraine’s conspiracy, watch video

Moscow: An attempt has been made to assassinate Russian President Vladimir Putin. The Kremlin has claimed that Ukraine had sent two drones to kill...
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