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Imran Khan blamed women wearing fewer clothes for sexual violence, now he is being...

Islamabad: Pakistan's PM Imran Khan has once again given a controversial statement. In an interview, Imran Khan has blamed women wearing fewer clothes for...

Amidst the Sri Lankan crisis, President Gotabaya Rajapaksa formed new cabinet of 17 ministers

Colombo: The economic and political crisis continues in Sri Lanka. Meanwhile, the opposition has decided to bring a no-confidence motion against Rajapaksa in the...
Gaza hospital overwhelmed by casualties

Gaza Hospital overwhelmed by casualties from Israeli strikes on refugee camp

New Delhi: A team of World Health Organization (WHO) staff visited Al-Aqsa Hospital in Gaza on Monday, where they witnessed the devastating impact of...

China’s eyes on precious metals worth trillions of dollars in Afghanistan

Beijing: With the Taliban taking power in Afghanistan, China's eyes are now on rare metals worth trillions of dollars present there on earth. CNBC...

After CABG 87-year-old Woman Gets Valve Replacement and Pacemaker Implant in One Procedure

North India’s 1st case successfully done in Eternal Hospital Heart valve replaced without surgery, leadless pacemaker implanted The difficulties were not less for the...
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