New Delhi: The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has issued a stark warning of an impending severe heatwave set to sweep across North-West India, potentially pushing temperatures to a scorching 45 degrees Celsius in the coming days. The regions poised to face the brunt of this extreme weather event include Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, and the national capital, Delhi.
Heat Wave Onset and Duration
The heat wave is expected to commence on May 17th and will predominantly affect western Rajasthan until May 20th. Meanwhile, Punjab, Haryana, and Delhi are likely to experience severe conditions from May 18th to May 20th. This weather phenomenon typically lasts around three days in May, but this year’s conditions have already seen temperatures shatter April records in East, North-East, and South Peninsular India, where mercury levels soared to 47 degrees Celsius.
Health Concerns and Precautions
The IMD has emphasized significant health concerns for vulnerable populations, including children, the elderly, individuals with chronic diseases, and those living in poverty. There is an increased risk of heat-related illnesses for those exposed to the sun for extended periods or those engaged in strenuous activities. Government agencies have issued health warnings, and several states have preemptively closed schools to safeguard against the adverse effects of the heat.
Advisories and Alerts
An ‘orange alert’ has been declared for the most affected regions, signaling a high level of preparedness against potential health impacts. Additionally, a ‘yellow alert’ is in place for East Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Gujarat, Jharkhand, West Bengal, and Odisha, indicating the need for residents to stay vigilant.
Record-Breaking Temperatures and Climate Impact
The early onset of such intense heat waves, coupled with record-breaking temperatures in April, underscores the increasing challenges posed by climate change. The IMD’s forecast suggests that the frequency of heat wave days in North and Central India’s plains may exceed the norm for May.
Response and Mitigation Efforts
Authorities are urging the public to take necessary precautions, such as staying hydrated and avoiding outdoor activities during peak heat hours. The IMD’s alerts serve as a critical reminder of the need for communities to adopt measures that mitigate the impact of heat waves and protect the most vulnerable sections of society.