Singapore scientists create ‘Corona test kit’, results in 36 minutes

Singapore scientists create 'Corona test kit'

Singapore: Scientists in Singapore have developed a technique that will give the results of a laboratory test of Covid-19 in just 36 minutes. The current testing system requires highly trained technical staff and results take several hours. The university said on Monday that this new technology developed by scientists at Nanyang Technological University (NTC) ‘Lee Kong Chien School of Medicine’ suggested “ways to improve the time and cost involved in laboratory testing of Covid-19”. Huh. He said that testing, which can be done with portable devices, can also be deployed in the community as a ‘screening tool’. He said that with the new technology, the laboratory test report of Covid-19 can come in 36 minutes.

Singapore scientists create 'Corona test kit'

Currently, the most sensitive method for testing COVID-19 is a laboratory technique called ‘polymerase chain reaction (PCR)’, in which a machine repeatedly copies viral genetic particles and investigates them to detect any of the SARS-COV-2 viruses. Symptoms can be detected. Also RNA testing takes the most time, in which RNA is isolated from other components in the patient sample. The supply of chemicals required in this process is less in the world. The new technology developed by NTU LCKmedison connects several stages to each other and allows a direct examination of the patient’s sample. This shortens the time of results and eliminates the need for RNA purification chemicals. Detailed information about this new technique has been published in the scientific journal ‘Jeans’.
