Nigar Jauhar became the first woman lieutenant general in the history of Pakistani Army


Islamabad: Pakistan Army has appointed Major General Nigar Johar as the first woman lieutenant general. Pakistan’s media wing said on Tuesday that for the first time, the Pakistan Army has appointed a female officer, Major General Nigar Johar, as Lieutenant General. While Major General Nigar Johar has got the prestigious post of three-star general, she has also been appointed as the first female Surgeon General of the Pakistan Army.

ISPR director general tweeted

Major General Babar Iftikhar, Director-General of Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR), tweeted that she was the first woman officer to be promoted as Lieutenant General. The officer has been appointed as the first female surgeon general of the Pak Army.

Johar graduated from Army Medical College, Rawalpindi in 1985 and joined the Army Medical Corps. In the year 2017, she became the third woman officer of the Pakistani Army to achieve the rank of Major General. Apart from them, two other prominent generals have been Shahida Badshah and Shahida Malik. Both Johar’s father and husband have been working as officers in the army.
