Niagara Falls froze in America! Scene became scary, tourists were warned, watch video

Niagara Falls frozen by a snow storm

New York: There has been severe snowfall in America for the last several years. Due to the snowstorm, many areas have been covered in a white sheet of snow. The biggest thing is that the world’s most famous waterfall Niagara Falls has also frozen. Its pictures and videos are going viral on social media. Let us tell you that tourists coming from all over the world specially come to see Niagara Falls.

Let us tell you that Niagara Falls is located on the border of New York and Canada and it is about 40 km from the city of Buffalo. These days the blizzard continues to wreak havoc here. The people here are troubled by the blizzard and are struggling to lead a normal life. At the same time, this is a unique sight for tourists. It is being told that a thick sheet of ice has fallen on the river. On which people can walk to New York.

Niagara Falls frozen by a snow storm

Tourists coming here have been warned. There is a warning about the necessary measures to avoid snow storms, as well as to maintain sufficient distance from the Niagara River and Falls. In any case, there is a ban on not going on the ice of the river. Still, tourists are enjoying it from a distance. Sharing pictures and videos of the area.
