Indian-Americans can play an important role in elections: American leaders


Washington: A top Democrat Party leader in the US has said that Indian-American voters can prove to be “making a big difference” in many states in the presidential elections to be held in the country on November 3. There are about 100 days left for the presidential election in the US. In such a situation, Republican and Democratic Party leaders are trying to woo the influential Indian-American community in important states like Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Democratic National Committee Chairman Thomas Perez said Michigan has 1,25,000 Indian-American voters. “We lost in Michigan by 10,700 votes in 2016,” he said, referring to Democratic Party candidate Hillary Clinton’s defeat at the hands of Republican Party candidate Donald Trump in the last presidential election.

“Pennsylvania has 1,56,000 (Indian-Americans),” he said. We lost by 42,000 to 43,000 votes in Pennsylvania. There are 37,000 (Indian-Americans) in Wisconsin. We lost by 21,000 (votes) in Wisconsin in 2016. ” “If you look at the Indian-American opinion, or more broadly,” Perez said in a digital meeting organized by ‘Asian American and Pacific Islanders’ (AAPI), ‘Indian-American Impact Fund’ and ‘South Asian for Biden’. AAPI votes (in the 2020 presidential election) can make a big difference. ” Perez said, “Think about the three states I mentioned. Only Indian-American votes can make a big difference going forward. “

Shekhar Narasimhan, president of the ‘AAPI Victory Fund’, reported that Arizona (66,000), Florida (193,000), Georgia (150,000), Michigan (125,000), North Carolina (111,000), Pennsylvania (156,000), Texas (475,000) and Wisconsin ( 37,000) has about 1.3 million Indian American voters. Amit Jani, AAPI’s National Director for the Biden Election Campaign, said the Indian American community has grown in size and influence. Indian-Americans are now becoming part of politics and government in large numbers. Jani said, “The presidential elections in November will be historic and we need the support of the Indian-American community to make a difference.”
