New Delhi: In a dramatic turn of events, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader and former MP Roopa Ganguly was arrested in Kolkata on charges of obstructing government work during a protest. Ganguly, known for her portrayal of Draupadi in BR Chopra’s Mahabharata, was staging a sit-in protest in the Bansdroni area following the tragic death of a student. The protest quickly escalated into a political controversy, leading to her detention by Kolkata Police and her transfer to Alipore Police Station.
Tragic Accident Sparks Outrage: Student Killed by JCB in Road Repair Incident
The incident that ignited this political firestorm occurred on Wednesday morning when a young student was fatally injured by a JCB machine during road repair work in Kolkata’s Bansdroni area. The victim, a resident of ward number 113, was passing by the construction site when the JCB accidentally struck him, causing severe head injuries. Despite being rushed to the hospital, the student was declared dead upon arrival, sending shockwaves through the local community.
Local Residents Blame Authorities: TMC Under Fire
As news of the student’s death spread, tensions flared in the neighborhood. Local residents began holding the Trinamool Congress (TMC) councilor responsible, accusing the local authorities of negligence in managing the ongoing roadwork. The tragic accident has fueled anger and frustration in the area, leading to protests demanding accountability from the ruling party. Residents allege that poor safety measures at the site contributed to the fatal accident.
Roopa Ganguly Leads Protest, Arrested for ‘Obstructing Government Work’
Roopa Ganguly, a prominent BJP leader and former Rajya Sabha MP, took a strong stand against the local administration, leading a sit-in protest at the site of the accident. Her demonstration, which aimed to draw attention to the alleged negligence of the authorities, soon attracted the attention of the Kolkata Police. Accusing her of obstructing government work, law enforcement officials arrested Ganguly and moved her to Alipore Police Station. The arrest has sparked a new political battle between the BJP and the TMC in West Bengal.
Political Storm Intensifies: BJP vs TMC
Ganguly’s arrest has further fueled the political confrontation between the BJP and the ruling TMC in West Bengal. BJP workers have accused the TMC government of stifling dissent and mishandling the safety of citizens. The incident has given the BJP more ammunition to criticize the TMC’s governance, with protests expected to spread across the state.
Background of Roopa Ganguly: From Iconic Actress to Political Leader
Roopa Ganguly’s arrest has drawn significant media attention due to her fame both as a politician and as an actress. Before entering politics, she was best known for her portrayal of Draupadi in the iconic television series Mahabharata. Her move into the political arena saw her join the BJP, where she became a Member of Parliament and an influential voice for the party in West Bengal.
As the investigation into the student’s death continues, the political ramifications of the incident are only expected to grow, with both the BJP and TMC locked in a bitter battle for control of the narrative.