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England-Plymouth: Gunman fired indiscriminately at the crowd, 6 people including the attacker died

Plymouth: There has been news of an incident of indiscriminate and horrific firing in the city of Plymouth, England. Not only this, but there...
₹ 2000 note

₹ 1000 notes will return to market from January 1! ₹ 2000 notes will...

New Delhi: In a video viral on social media, it is being claimed that the government has planned to bring back ₹1000 notes from...

How North Korea may use the Pacific to hone its missiles

If North Korea follows through on its threat to turn the Pacific Ocean into a 'firing range,' it would allow the isolated and ... source

Home Credit India’s How India Borrows 2022 Study Shows EMI Cards Emerge as the...

Over 50% borrowers have shown preference for EMI-Cards for shopping or taking credit, followed by credit cards (25%), and new-age lending platforms...
22nd Commonwealth Games in Birmingham

Colorful start to 22nd Commonwealth Games in Birmingham

Birmingham: Britain's rich cultural heritage and a scintillating display of inclusivity marked the start of the 22nd Commonwealth Games in 2022 with players trying...
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