Reusable water bottles carry 40,000 times more bacteria than toilet seats: Research


New Delhi: We all drink bottled water. Many people wash this bottle once a week and some twice or thrice in a week. Just by checking these bottles, we think that it has been cleaned. But we never think that these water bottles can be fatal too. A shocking claim has been made in research. It has been said in the research that reusable water bottles are quite dangerous.

According to the New York Post, a team of researchers from New America-based found in a research that repeatedly used water bottles can contain about 40,000 times more bacteria than the average toilet seat. The team of researchers cleaned different lids including spout lids and water bottle lids thrice. During this, two types of dangerous bacteria were found in them.

Researchers told that the bacteria present in the water bottles used repeatedly are so dangerous that it can create such an ability in the human body, after which no antibiotics will have any effect on the human body. Researchers also told that many bacteria have also been found which can also cause intestinal diseases.


In addition, the researchers compared the cleaning of the bottles to household items and said that they contain twice as many germs as the kitchen sink. It can contain four times more bacteria than a computer mouse and 14 times more bacteria than a pet’s water bowl. Dr. Andrew Edwards, an anthropologist at the Imperial College of London, said that because of these bottles, the mouth of humans has now become home to germs. The researchers recommend that reusable bottles should be washed at least once a day with hot water and soap.
