Relief for Putin! Agreement signed with Wagner Group, reopening of roads in Rostov begins

Emergancy in moscow

New Delhi: On the one hand, during the Russia-Ukraine War, there was a sudden threat of civil war and a coup over Russia. At the same time, after about 12 hours of upheaval, an agreement has now been reached between the Wagner Group and the Russian government. Now after this agreement, the fighters of the Wagner Group have started returning to Ukraine.

According to the received news, Yevgeny Prigogine, Chief of the Wagner Army, has currently stopped his march towards Russia’s capital Moscow. According to Russia 24 news channel, Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko spoke to the Chief of the Wagner Army.

Agreement between Wagner Army-Russia
The same Alexander had proposed to Prigogine to stop the fighters moving towards Moscow, which was finally accepted by Wagner Army Chief. He issued an audio message and informed me about it. In this regard, according to the news agency ANI, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry S. Peskov had said on Saturday itself that no case would be prosecuted against the rebel Wagner Army.

Zelensky- Putin hiding out of fear
Here, in the midst of ongoing tension in Russia, the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky has given a big statement. He said that Russian President Putin himself has created this threat. He said that Putin is not in Moscow. According to him, Ukraine’s victory in the war against Russia is certain. According to him, Putin has hidden somewhere due to fear or has left.

On the other hand, according to the report of the news agency Interfax, the reopening of the roads in the southern Russian city of Rostov started late last Saturday. Now Wagner fighters have even started evacuating the military headquarters in Rostov. Be aware that it was captured by Wagner’s army.

Emargancy in moscow

According to the information received there, Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko has a big hand behind the Russia-Wagner agreement. It is also reported that the draft agreement with Wagner has been prepared. Now there is a verbal agreement between Prigogine and the Russian government. After this, Wagner’s men return to the field.

Emergency in Moscow
Here in Russia, after Wagner’s rebellion, the situation got worse here. A state of emergency is currently in force in Moscow. Along with this, the people there have been advised to stay in their homes. Along with this, the coming Monday has been declared a ‘non-working day’ in Moscow.
