Tehran: The Foreign Minister of Iran has told the US that he should return to the 2015 nuclear deal as soon as possible. Mohammad Jawad Zarif has said that if the US did not relax its sanctions by February 21, the bill passed in the country’s parliament would force the government to tighten its stand on the issue of nuclear power. Apart from this, he has also cited the presidential election to be held in June and warned that if a hardline president comes, the deal could be jeopardized.

Zarif said in an interview to a newspaper that before the new Iranian year, due to the atmosphere of the bill in Parliament and then the presidential election, America is getting less time. The Parliament passed the bill in December, in which a two-month deadline was introduced to relax restrictions. Zarif has said that the longer the US, the greater the loss. It will appear that the Biden administration does not want to disassociate itself from the failed legacy of Donald Trump.
In fact, the Biden administration is hinting at improving relations with Iran. In 2018, Donald Trump ended the nuclear deal with Iran, which led to America’s inclination towards Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. However, speculation is rife that Biden may again strike a nuclear deal with Iran.
His administration has also withdrawn ‘terrorist’ status from Iran-backed Houthis in Yemen, which is seen as a soft approach towards Iran. However, the US has made it clear that it does not support the Hootis. In this way, he is trying to avoid Saudi Arabia’s displeasure.