Indian farmer’s demonstration got support in US assembly

Robin J. Voss-kisan-andolan

Washington: The Speaker of the Wisconsin State Assembly in the US supported the Farmers Protest issued in India has appealed to reconsider his decision and listen to the affected farmers.

Robin J. Voss wrote a letter to India’s ambassador to the US, Tarnjit Singh Sandhu, expressing his support for the farmers. He has also written one such letter to US Ambassador to India Ken Juster. In a letter written on January 4, he said, “There is a similarity between Wisconsin and India, the economy.” The farmers of our state have a big contribution in our economy. It would be a big deal for me to make laws affecting them without knowing their opinion or impede the use of their right to be peaceful. ”

Robin J. Voss-kisan-andolan

Voss said, “Hopefully, the government of Prime Minister Narendra Modi will reconsider its decision and sit with the farmers and listen to their concerns.” Foreign Ministry spokesman Anurag Shrivastav said last month on the remarks of foreign leaders and politicians on the performance of farmers in India, “He is making a statement without full information.” Such comments are inappropriate. Especially when it is an internal matter of a democratic country. “

Farmers in India have been protesting since 26 November on the borders of Delhi with the national capital for their demand for withdrawal of disputed agricultural laws and legal guarantee of minimum support price (MSP).
