American researchers claim – Corona patients have 41% less risk of death due to cholesterol medicine


Washington: Cholesterol-lowering drug ‘Statins’ reduces the risk of death from corona by 41 percent. This has also been confirmed by the data of the National American Registry. Researchers from San Diego, who conducted the research, say, we have included data of such patients in the research who were taking statins medicine before getting corona. Such people are also involved in research who were not even taking this medicine. Research results show that this drug reduces the risk of death of hospitalized patients.

Cholesterol-lowering drugs ‘Statins’ are taken in the form of tablets. There are two types of cholesterol, good and bad. This medicine controls the level of bad cholesterol which harms the body. The risk of heart attack and stroke increases as the level of bad cholesterol increases. Researchers say it prevents inflammation in the body by controlling cholesterol. This quality proves beneficial for the patients of Corona. In Covid patients, the risk of death is reduced when the internal inflammation is reduced. Lori Daniels, director of Cardiovascular Intensive Care at San Diego, who conducted the research, says that this drug is effective in fighting corona, another reason for this is angiotensin-converting enzyme-2.

cholesterol lowering medications

The team of researchers examined the records of 10,541 patients. These patients were admitted to different hospitals in America between January and September 2020. According to the research team, statins and anti-hypertension drugs reduce the risk of death by 32 percent in patients who are suffering from high BP and heart disease. Researchers found that corona patients who were taking statins before being admitted to the hospital had a 50 percent reduction in the risk of serious infection.

According to the US health agency CDC, 93 percent of patients use statins to lower cholesterol. Its side effects are seen in only a few patients. These include diarrhea, headache, and vomiting.
