Lucknow: The Yogi government is constantly under attack from the opposition for the increasing crime against women and the law and order situation in Uttar Pradesh. Meanwhile, Congress General Secretary Priyanka Gandhi, while counting the incidents in UP in the last one week, took a dig at the CM. On Friday, Priyanka Gandhi tweeted, ‘In the last one week, 13 horrific incidents of crime against women have happened in UP. According to reports, in 4 incidents, the victim was killed or the victims committed suicide. This degradation of female security distracts. No time for CM Sahab to do a special session on it, yes the photo session is on.
Priyanka counts the incident
Priyanka Gandhi has shared graphics with the tweet, in which crimes against women have been counted in the last one week in UP. It includes many incidents including Jhansi gang rape, Gonda acid incident, the suicide of a rape victims in Chitrakoot.
Significantly, in the past, the Yogi government is under the question of crime against women and girls in Hathras, Balrampur, Gonda, Jhansi, Barabanki, and Chitrakoot in UP. CBI is investigating the Hathras case. A hearing is going on in the Allahabad High Court regarding the incident of Hathras where the government also got reprimanded.