Utah: In the United States of Utah and Wisconsin, 10 thousand Mink Died have died. They are killed due to coronavirus infection. In Utah, 8,000 people have died due to Covid-19, while two thousand rashes have died in Wisconsin. They are small in size but have silky hair on its body. Their hair is made of splashy designs. In Utat, the veterinarian Dean Taylor said that the first case of coronavirus in animals in both these provinces came in August. For the first time in the month of July here, the case of coronavirus infection to farmworkers and from which it also spread to animals.
Coronavirus reached animals from humans
Dr. Dean told that in the initial stages of research, it is found that the virus has passed from humans to animals. He said that so far no such case has come, in which a case has reached coronavirus from animals to humans.
Corona’s first case of mink came in Utah
Dr. Dean told CNN that we are closely monitoring the cases of coronavirus here and see that no cases of Covid-19 have passed from animals to humans whereas the contrary has happened Animals have definitely been infected by humans. He said that it is felt that this is a directionless path. The investigation of this case is going on. Significantly, the first infection of coronavirus in mink has occurred in Utah, USA.
Viscocin-based Department of Agriculture spokesman Kevin Hoffman said that in Wisconsin, around 2000 mink deaths have been caused by the coronavirus. The investigation is going on.