Himachal Villages Boycott Lok Sabha Elections, Demand Basic Amenities

Himachal Villages Boycott Lok Sabha Elections

Shimla: In a bold move, residents of Makhan, Chachul, and Juri villages in the Churah subdivision of Chamba district have decided to boycott the Lok Sabha elections. Their demand? Basic amenities that have been elusive for far too long.

Waiting for Essential Services

The villagers expressed their frustration, emphasizing that they won’t cast their votes until the district administration addresses their grievances. Ravi, a resident of one of these villages, stated, “We will not vote until the district administration comes here and hears our pleas.” Despite notifying the authorities about their predicament, no tangible improvements have materialized.

Pathetic Situation

The situation is dire. The absence of internet connectivity, proper roads, and electricity has left the villagers in a precarious state. When someone falls ill, they must trek 4-5 kilometers to reach the nearest health center. Tragically, this lack of timely medical attention has resulted in several deaths. Mukesh Kumar, a Makhan village resident, lamented, “It has been 76 years since our country gained independence, yet our village still lacks basic facilities like roads.”

Voting Refusal

Approximately 900 voters are registered at the polling booth serving both Makhan and Chachul villages. However, a significant number of villagers congregated outside polling booth number 25 in Makhan village and adamantly refused to vote. Men and women alike stood united in their decision.

Himachal Villages Boycott Lok Sabha Elections

Ignored Demands

The villagers’ resolve stems from their demands being consistently ignored. Students suffer due to the absence of internet connectivity, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. Many have even dropped out of school.
