Weeds over deaths in Mariupol, mass grave used for burial

Weeds over deaths in Mariupol

Mariupol: The situation has become very bad after Russia’s attack on Ukraine (Ukraine-Russia War). Mass graves are now being used by the local administration to bury those killed in the attacks by the Russian Army in the country’s south-eastern city of Mariupol for the past nine days. It can be gauged from this how bad the situation has become there.

Carpets or bags-wrapped bodies are being buried in a deep moat about 25 meters (80 feet) long on the outskirts of the city of about 4.5 million. The city workers engaged in this work have made signs of crosses (religious symbols of Christians) and put them there. More than 70 bodies have been buried in this mass grave since Tuesday.

Weeds over deaths in Mariupol

According to a journalist from the Associated Press news agency who visited the mass grave, more than half of the people buried in it died due to heavy shelling. While others have died due to natural causes. Due to the current situation in the city, the administration did not get a grave to bury the dead bodies.

There have been at least eight major airstrikes in the city of Mariupol in the past 48 hours, targeting a children’s hospital and the central fire department.
