IT company gifts 100 Maruti Suzuki Cars to employees

IT company gifts 100 Cars to employees

Chennai: Every firm provides the present of wage increment and promotion to its workers yearly, however there are some corporations that give shock items together with increments. A Chennai-based IT firm on Monday gifted a automotive to 100 of its workers. This present was given to him for working step-by-step with the corporate and contributing considerably to the expansion of the corporate. This agency named Ideas2IT gifted a Maruti Suzuki automotive to 100 of its workers.

Hari Subrahmanya, Marketing Head of the corporate stated, “We are gifting 100 automobiles to our 100 workers. All these workers are with us for greater than 10 years. There are 500 workers in our institute. We imagine that what now we have earned from the onerous work of those workers ought to be returned to those workers.

Murali Subrahmanyam, Founder and Chairman, Ideas2IT stated that, the workers have taken the corporate to better heights with their constant efforts and now we’re not gifting them a automotive, however we’re returning them what they’ve earned by their onerous work.

“7-8 years in the past we had promised that when the corporate begins attaining good targets, we’ll share our cash with them. So gifting a automotive is step one on this course. We will take such initiative in future additionally.”

Prasad, an worker who acquired items from the corporate, stated, “It is at all times nice to obtain items from the group. On each event firm shares its happiness with items like gold cash, iPhone however automotive is a giant factor for us.

Let us inform you that earlier than this, one other firm from Chennai had gifted a BMW automotive to its 5 senior executives. The price of this one automotive was round Rs 1 crore.
