China’s ‘war declaration’ by releasing video of Suicide Drones, new threat looms over the world

China releasing video of Suicide Drones

Beijing: China embarked in Ladakh from India, has prepared a vigorous army of explosive-equipped Loitering munition aircraft. Which can blow up any target in the ground or air of enemies in an instant. These drones are inside a tubular launcher that breaks on their enemy as soon as they gesture. These launchers can be positioned above a light vehicle and helicopter. After the arrival of the Chinese drone army, now there is a threat to the war of the future in front of the armies of the world.

China flies 200 drone planes simultaneously
The drone aircraft has been designed by the Electronics Academy of China and successfully tested it only last month. Earlier in the year 2017, China achieved great success by flying 120 small drones together as an army. Later China showed 200 drone aircraft flying together and performing big feats. CH-901 is the name of China’s suicide drone aircraft. This drone has front and rear wings and also has sensors for target detection. Earlier, the US also built a similar suicide drone aircraft.

48 suicide drones can be dropped simultaneously
There are 48 drones housed inside China’s tubular launcher and can be released as and when required. Experts say that the launch of this drone like box can be deployed on warships and anywhere on land. Not only this, the drone can also be deployed above the helicopter. Let us know that the US Navy is also trying to fire suicide drones. In the video of Chinese drones, it is seen that 11 drone aircraft are flying simultaneously. They are instructed by the Chinese Army soldiers sitting far away to attack and change the path through a tablet-like device.

Difficult to evade enemy from drone’s ‘eye’
There is an electro-optical camera inside the Chinese drone which first inspects the ground and identifies the target and attacks it. It is not yet clear whether Chinese drones have low-light or infrared cameras. If a Chinese drone has this capability, it can carry out precise attacks at night. Experts say that looking at the video of this drone, it seems that Chinese technology is quite modern. All this shows that if the PLA does not yet have the capability of operational drone army, then it has come very close to deploying it.

Drone army ‘blinds’ enemy’s air defense
The drone army can be fired from any platform from the surface to the air. It has the ability to attack from multiple sides simultaneously. It is very difficult for any country’s air defense to stop the swarm of drone planes. Simultaneous attacks make the air defense system confused or blind. He is unable to decide which drone strikes, and meanwhile, the drone army destroys the air defense system.
