Washington: In the new session of the American parliament starting on Sunday, lawmakers will take oath at a time when some Republican lawmakers are challenging the presidential election result and the country is battling the Coronavirus is. Democratic Party Nancy Pelosi will be re-appointed as the Speaker of the House of Representatives.
The Democratic Party has a majority in the House of Representatives, but in the last 20 years, the party has won this time with the least margin. After Tuesday’s election results for two Senate seats from Georgia, it will be clear who will have control over the Senate. Although some Republican leaders, including the outgoing President Donald Trump, have made allegations of fraud in the election, the election officials across the country have denied the allegations. Biden won the electoral college. The Electoral Board will make its formal announcement on Wednesday. Republican leaders will challenge Biden’s victory in the electoral college meeting on Wednesday. Republican leader Taylor Grenn said, “The challenge for January 6 remains.”