Washington: The US administration led by President Joe Biden in the latest submission before a court of the country, Canadian businessman of Pakistani origin. Rana has reiterated her support for India’s request for extradition in the 2008 terror attacks in Mumbai.
US Government Assistant Attorney John J. Luljian gave the information in this case via letter to US District Court Judge Jacqueline Chuljian in Los Angeles on Monday. The judge has fixed June 24 for the hearing of the case. Lulejian made the declaration in support of the “US response to the request for certification of extradition” in the letter and accompanying document. Lulejian reiterated that the extradition of 59-year-old Rana to India is in line with the extradition treaty between India and the US.
According to the Indo-US extradition treaty, the Indian government has requested formal extradition of Rana and the US has started the extradition process. The US government has argued that Rana fulfills all the criteria for extradition to India. Lulejian said that the US requests certification to extradite Rana to India. “There is enough evidence to establish probable cause in the extradition request and Rana has not provided any evidence to cut India’s request,” he said.

Rana is a childhood friend of Lashkar-e-Taiba terrorist David Coleman Headley. On India’s request, Rana was arrested again on 10 June in Los Angeles on charges of involvement in the Mumbai terror attack. 166 people, including six American civilians, were killed in this attack.
India has declared him a fugitive. Headley, a US citizen of Pakistani descent, was involved in plotting the 2008 Mumbai attacks. He became a witness in the case and is currently serving a 35-year prison sentence in the US for his role in the attack.