New Delhi: Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has released the Civil Services Examination 2019 result on Tuesday. The result of this time has been very important for the Delhi Police. In the results of this time, a constable of Delhi Police has achieved 645th rank, while the daughters of two personnel working in Delhi Police have also waved. Visakha Yadav, the daughter of an ASI prince posted at the Dwaraka DCP office of Delhi Police, has secured the sixth rank. At the same time, the daughter of another policeman has achieved the 33rd rank. Let us tell you that this time a total of 829 candidates have been selected.
Constable Feroz Alam posted in the PCR unit of Delhi Police has achieved 645th rank. Visakha Yadav, daughter of ASI posted in Dwaraka DCP office of Delhi Police, has secured the sixth rank. This was Vishakha Yadav’s third attempt. In two attempts, Visakha did not even pass the preliminary examination. At the same time, Navneet Mann, daughter of Sukhdev Singh, working in the Vigilance Department of Delhi Police, has elevated the name of Delhi Police by securing 33rd rank. The top officials of Delhi Police have congratulated them on their success.
Visakha Yadav hails from Mathura, Uttar Pradesh. Visakha has done B.Tech from Delhi College of Engineering. After doing a two-year engineering job in Bangalore, Visakha decided to take the UPSC exam. For the last three-four years, Vishakha was preparing for the UPSC exam. Visakha has achieved the sixth rank in the third attempt. In the first two attempts, Visakha could not even pass the preliminary examination of UPSC. Vishakha has said in his interview that his father works in Delhi Police. This is the reason why I made up my mind for UPSC. I wanted to achieve financial independence.
On 4 August 2020, the notice issued by the UPSC regarding the results, Pradeep Singh of Haryana has secured the first position. At the second place was Jatin Kishore and at the third place was Pratibha Verma. This time, a total of 829 candidates have achieved success in the civil service results. Of these, 304 candidates are from general category. For the first time 78 candidates have waved in the EWS category. At the same time 251 OBC, 129 SC and 67 candidates have passed from ST classes.