U.S. destroys attacking ICBM missile in test: Pentagon


Washington: The Pentagon has taken the first step to develop a system to defend the country from the attack of intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM). An interceptor missile (interceptor missile) was fired from a U.S. Navy vessel on Tuesday that shot down an experimental ICBM at sea, officials said.

Earlier, an interceptor missile was launched from an underground center to target the ICBM, and its sequel successfully tested the downing of a long-range enemy missile from a more challenging vessel base, giving the Pentagon’s existing missile defense system Has increased its reliability and trust.

The US test on Tuesday will draw the attention of North Korea, which is developing intercontinental ballistic missiles and nuclear weapons, and which has led the Pentagon to strengthen its missile defense system over the past decade.


North Korea has recently announced that it will not test ICBM missiles and will not continue nuclear tests, but will replace Kim Jong Un, the ruler of Pyongyang after Biden’s election as Donald Trump’s successor to the US presidency. Uncertainty remains about their intentions.

John Hill, the vice-admiral of the Navy and director of the Pentagon’s Missile Defense Agency, said Tuesday’s missile test was “fantastic and a significant achievement for the program.” He said the vessel-based missile defense system is more capable of detecting and monitoring enemy missiles and would give the United States an edge in dealing with the threat of an incredibly increased missile attack. However, he did not name North Korea during this time.

According to the Pentagon, the updated version of the Aegis SM-3 Missile was dropped during testing on Tuesday by a U.S. Navy destroyer stationed northeast of the Hawaiian Islands in the Pacific Ocean and aimed at the U.S. Marshall Islands Quaslane Atoll test range. Was a replica of the ICBM omitted?

However, the targeted ICBM was not equipped with the complex technologies that American interceptor missiles would have to deal with during an actual attack. Officials said the test was scheduled to take place last spring but was delayed due to restrictions imposed by the coronavirus epidemic.
