Mumbai: Actor Akshay Kumar has been in constant discussion about the film ‘Bachchan Pandey’. In this film, he will be seen sharing the screen with Jacqueline Fernandez and Kriti Sanon. In such a situation, Akshay Kumar has shared two new posters for the fans on Tuesday. Along with this, the actor has also made a big announcement regarding the release date of the film.
Akshay revealed that the film will hit the theaters on the special occasion of Holi this year. Sharing the poster on Instagram, the actor further wrote, ‘Action, comedy, romance, drama, L-O-A-D-I-N-G this Holi! #SajidNadiadwala’s #BachchanPandey will hit the theaters on March 18, 2022. see
The movie ‘Bachchan Pandey’ is directed by Farhad Samji. Producer Sajid Nadiadwala while talking to ETimes said that ‘All my films are in the top 10 on satellite, but, for me, my films are meant for cinemas and that is where they will always release.’
On the work front, Akshay has several projects in the pipeline. He will very soon be seen in ‘Ram Setu’, which also stars Jacqueline. Apart from this, films like ‘Raksha Bandhan’, ‘Prithviraj’, ‘Selfie’ and ‘Cinderella’ are also included.