All Android and iOS users will now be able to record space on the micro-blogging site Twitter. Twitter has issued an update regarding this. The company has announced that now all Twitter users will be able to record space on Android and iOS. Users have to click on the ‘Record Space’ button while recording the space. After doing this, the recorded space will be available for 30 days after the end of the space.
Twitter has said – The option to record for users is now available to everyone on Android and iOS. When starting a space, tap the “Record Space” switch to make it available for public playback for 30 days after the space expires.
Space will be available for 30 days
The recorded location will be available to Twitter users for 30 days. Twitter will keep a copy of the recording for 120 days. This will happen even if you delete the recorded location before the end of 30 days. Once the Company verifies that your recorded location does not violate its Terms of Service, it will automatically remove the location. The same is the case with live space.
What is space
Anyone can listen to Spaces on the Internet. Whether or not they are logged into a Twitter account. Spaces are public, so anyone can join as an audience. This can also include people who don’t follow you. Audiences can be invited directly to the space by sending a link to the space via direct message, by tweeting the link, or by sharing the link.
A maximum of 13 people can speak in space at a time. While creating a new space, you will see options to name your space and start your space.
Anyone can join the space, listen and speak on Twitter for iOS and Android. Currently, it’s not possible to launch Spaces on the web, but anyone can join and listen to Spaces.