Washington: US Senator Kamala Harris criticized President Donald Trump’s conduct in the first phase of the Presidential Debate between the two candidates for the presidential election. Described as ‘tarnishing the post’. He also supported Democratic candidate Joe Biden. The first official presidential election debate between Trump and Biden took place in Ohio on Tuesday night.

Harris said in an interview to CBS News, “I think the American people have the ability to compare and differentiate between candidates.” I think a very clear difference appeared tonight. On the one hand you have Joe Biden who looked at the camera and who constantly talked to the American people, who understood who was important on that stage, which is the American family. “
“And then there’s Donald Trump, who I think tarnished the US presidential office as he has done in the last four years,” Harris said. Harris, the vice presidential candidate from the Democratic Party, said this at the end of the first round of official debate. Harris also expressed his support for Biden by tweeting several nights.