Washington: US President Donald Trump, who was suffering Covid-19, and was admitted to an army hospital, admitted jumped in the car to greet his supporters, and shocked everyone. His convoy passed through Rockville Pike in Bethesda in the Maryland suburb of Washington DC, the route between the National Institutes of Health and the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. There was a wave of happiness among his supporters after getting a glimpse of the President. Soon after, Trump tweeted, “I appreciate all the fans and supporters outside the hospital.” The thing is that those people really love the country and are seeing how we are making it even better than before. ” every day the crowd outside the army hospital is increasing.

Trump was admitted here on Friday after being found infected on Thursday night. Before he walked out to greet supporters, Trump posted a video on Twitter stating that he was “shocking the great patriots who have been outside and been there for a long time.” They love our country. I’m going to do a surprise inspection. ” The president in a black carriage was wearing a mask and looking at his supporters, was shaking hands. All the windows of the car were closed. White House spokesman Jude Deere said appropriate precautions were taken during the event in view of the president’s safety. He said, “This movement was approved by the medical team as safe.” He said that after this visit, President Walter Reed returned to the presidential side. Earlier, doctors had said that the President is fine and he has not been fever since Friday. He had hoped that Trump could be discharged from the hospital on Monday.