Berne: Voting for Ban on the wearing of Hijab and Burqa by Muslim women has been done after the referendum in Switzerland. Voting was done to implement this restriction, especially in public places. According to a report, in the referendum, 51 percent of the voters voted in favor of banning the burqa, after which Switzerland may decide to ban the hijab in public places. A referendum on the exemption of wearing the burqa in public places was resorted to, on which the general public in Switzerland voted on 7 March.

However, the first few countries from Switzerland have enacted such regulations. These include countries such as France, Belgium and Austria. However, wearing a mask while going to religious places and covering the face during protection from health reasons, such as the corona, will be exempt.
According to the report, under this proposal, face covering was banned while running on restaurants, sports grounds, public transport and roads. By the way, the Parliament of Switzerland and the seven-member Executive Council constituting the country’s federal government opposed this referendum proposal. Let me tell you that earlier in 2011, France had banned wearing clothes that completely cover the face.