Washington: Local people were given the opportunity to get vaccinated immediately at midnight when a vaccine-filled freezer suddenly malfunctioned in a hospital in Seattle, USA. To save the vaccines from getting spoiled, people were sent by sending messages on Thursday night at 11 pm, so the clothes which were in the same clothes ran to get vaccinated.

Shortly there were long queues outside the two medical centers in Seattle to get vaccinated. Some in pajamas, some in night dress, some in bathing clothes stood in the queue. The special thing is that during this time, people outside the priority group were vaccinated, whereas in America, the people of primary group are being vaccinated. According to media reports, 1600 doses of Moderna’s vaccine were threatened. Due to this 1600 people were vaccinated for 12 consecutive hours till morning.
Significantly, Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are being applied in the US, which require very low temperatures to be safe.