Washington: Ever since the Taliban occupied Afghanistan, for this condition of the country, many countries of the world, as well as the Americans themselves, consider their President guilty. After Joe Biden’s decision to withdraw the army, the Taliban occupied Afghanistan and the general public had to bear the brunt. For this decision, a campaign to target Biden has started in America. As part of this campaign, billboards showing the president as a Taliban terrorist have been put up. On which it is written, ‘Making the Taliban Great Again’.
According to the report of ‘The Sun’, former Pennsylvania Senator Scott Wagner has started this campaign against President Joe Biden. He says that because of a decision of Biden, America had to face embarrassment in front of the whole world, making fun of it. As part of this two-month-long campaign, billboards showing Biden as a Taliban terrorist have been put up everywhere.
Biden in Taliban Getup
In the picture on the billboard, Biden is in a Taliban getup, and in his hand is a rocket launcher. Scott Wagner has attempted to show that the president has helped the Taliban by withdrawing troops from Afghanistan. The billboard also reads ‘Making the Taliban Great Again’, that is, making the Taliban great again.

US military withdrawal from Afghanistan
It is noteworthy that the US President had suddenly announced the withdrawal of his army from Afghanistan. Joe Biden said that the Afghan army is capable of facing the Taliban. However, within a few days, the Taliban proved Biden’s statement false by capturing the whole of Afghanistan. Biden was heavily criticized for this decision. Former President Donald Trump also blamed him for the condition of Afghanistan. After this, Biden also came under target for the death of American soldiers in the explosion at Kabul Airport. Experts believe that this has tarnished Biden’s image as president.