Moscow: Russian President Vladimir Putin announced on Tuesday that the health ministry’s approval for the country’s first coronavirus vaccine has been approved. Putin said that the vaccine of this vaccine (Covid-19 Vaccine) has already been applied to his daughter. However, he did not clarify whether he had taken the vaccine himself.

Putin said- My daughter has also taken this vaccine, initially she had mild fever but now she is completely fine. They told me that my daughter is fine and feeling good. He also took part in this whole trial. After this announcement, Russia has become the first country that has claimed to have completed the work of making the vaccine. Russia has planned that this vaccine will be given first to the health workers, then to the elderly. Moscow has also talked about supplying vaccines to many countries. Russia says it can start mass production of its Corona vaccine by September.
According to RT, this vaccine has been prepared by the Gamleya Institute of Moscow. However, the World Health Organization (WHO) has also raised many doubts to settle the human trial of the vaccine in just 2 months. Russia’s Health Minister has already announced to start mass vaccination from October.
Let us know that no country has been successful in making vaccines yet.
The scientists who made it have also taken the vaccine
Gamleya Research Institute of Moscow has prepared this vaccine by making adenovirus a base. The researchers claim that the particles used in the vaccine cannot replicate themselves. According to the information received, many people involved in research and manufacturing have given themselves the dose of this vaccine.
Paracetamol use has been advised for some people due to the vaccine doses. However, many big farm companies have come out in protest against this haste in Russia. In a letter to Health Minister Mikhail Murashko, the Association of Clinical Trials Organization has said that so far less than 100 people have been dosed, so its use on a large scale can be dangerous.