Pressure of action on MP watching porn while sitting in Parliament


London: Britain’s Prime Minister Boris Johnson is under increasing pressure to take immediate disciplinary action against a Conservative MP accused of viewing pornography in the House of Commons.

The Chief Whip of the British Parliament issued a statement on Wednesday suggesting that the matter be referred to Parliament’s Independent Complaints and Complaints Scheme (ICGS), which deals with sexual harassment and other disciplinary matters. Senior MP Tories, however, questioned why the PM did not act directly against the MP, whose alleged behavior was witnessed by two female colleagues in recent months.

The MP is identified as the whip of the party, but sources denied that the MP was himself a whip. A cabinet minister described the situation as “madness”. Whereas Caroline Noakes, chair of the Committee on Women and Equality, said, “I hope the chief whip will withdraw the objection. He will definitely be on leave on the day of proceedings.”

Recently this shameful incident happened in the British Parliament. Here an MP is accused that he was watching a porn film inside the Parliament. Not only this, seeing her doing this, a woman MP also protested, but the MP ignored the woman’s words. After this, there was a stir.

It is mentioned in many reports that the accused MPs belong to the Tory party. This is the same Tory party from which the Conservative Party was formed in 1834. That’s why it sometimes happens that the Tory Party is also known as the Conservative Party. Following the incident, the ruling Conservative Party started an investigation into the matter. Surprisingly, it is being told that many allegations have been made against these accused MPs in Parliament.

In this case, Boris Johnson said, “It is clearly unacceptable for anyone to do this kind of work at the workplace. It will be the same for any kind of job up and down the country.” He said an unnamed member of the Conservative Party would have to go through a proper complaint process.
