Washington: America National Security Advisor Jack Sullivan said in a statement that the White House welcomed the bill on Tuesday that America (CHINA) to America is a video-showing app Tiktok will allow a ban. Mark Warner, a senior American senator of the Democratic Party and South Dakota Republican John Thoon, supported him in a rare work of political harmony by American MPs.
According to the news agency AFP, Jack Sulivan said, “We appreciate the bipartisan group of senators, headed by Senator Warner and Thun.” Those who today introduced the References The Emergence of Security Threats the Risk Information and Communications Technology Act. ‘Sulivan said in a statement,’ The bipartisan bill will empower the United States government to prevent some foreign governments from exploiting technology services. In a way, Americans pose risk to sensitive data and our national security. ‘
The support of the Senate Bill and the White House accelerated the political pace against the ticket, which is also the goal of a separate law in the US Representative Assembly. Senator Warner said in a statement, ‘Today, the threat of which everyone is talking about is TikTok, and how it can enable monitoring by the Chinese Communist Party, or facilitates the spread of malicious impact campaigns in the US Can provide. ‘
Warner further said, “Before tickets, however, it was Huawei and ZTE which was a threat to our country’s telecom network.” Earlier, it was Russia’s Kaspaski Lab, which threatened the security of the government and corporate equipment. ‘Congress and White House tied up on the idea that a law is necessary to curb the powers of tickets and now the law The possibility of being built has increased.