Paris: The troubles of Pavel Durov, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the social media platform Telegram, have significantly increased. French authorities have filed preliminary charges against Durov for alleged criminal activities facilitated through his messaging app. As part of the ongoing investigation, he has been banned from leaving France.
French prosecutors released Durov from police custody on Wednesday after four days of intense interrogation. He was questioned regarding allegations that Telegram has been used for various illegal activities, including the distribution of child sexual abuse material, drug trafficking, fraud, and transactions related to organized crime.
Durov was detained at Le Bourget airport outside Paris on Saturday. This detention is part of a judicial investigation launched last month, which is connected to 12 alleged crimes. The investigation has brought to light the challenges of controlling illegal activities online, drawing significant attention from both advocates of freedom of expression and critics of authoritarian governments.
The unusual life of Russian-born Durov, who holds multiple passports, has added to the intrigue surrounding him. His detention has sparked criticism from those who argue that it threatens digital freedom.
According to a statement from the Paris prosecutor’s office, the judges investigating the case filed preliminary charges on Wednesday night. They ordered Durov to pay a bail of 5 million euros and mandated that he appear at the police station twice a week. The charges against him include using the platform to promote child sexual abuse material, facilitating drug trafficking, committing fraud, and aiding organized crime.
Durov’s case highlights the complexities and responsibilities of managing a global social media platform. While Telegram has insisted that it abides by EU laws and its moderation is “within industry standards and constantly improving,” the allegations suggest otherwise. The company has stated, “It is absurd to claim that a platform or its owner is responsible for abuse of that platform.”
As the investigation continues, the tech world watches closely, aware that the outcome could have significant implications for the future of digital communication and the regulation of online platforms.