Islamabad: The Pakistan government on Tuesday passed a resolution in its National Assembly against the statement made by French President Emmanuel Macron on Islam. According to the proposal, Pakistan will recall its ambassador from France. But this step of Pakistan’s Imran Khan government is beginning to suffer a lot. Because Pakistan does not have an ambassador in France at the moment.
In fact, French Ambassador Marc Baretti was summoned by Pakistan on Monday. The country’s parliament had also demanded the government to recall its envoy from Paris. The Foreign Office said in a statement that it had underlined that such illegal and anti-Islamic acts hurt the feelings of Muslims around the world, including in Pakistan, and that such a move should not be justified in the name of freedom of expression. Can

The resolution was then brought to the Pakistan National Assembly and passed. According to a report, Moin-ul-Haq, Pakistan’s ambassador to Paris, was transferred and posted as ambassador to China about three months ago, and the Pakistani foreign ministry did not appoint any official to the post. Has not been appointed. But at the moment, Mohammad Amjad Aziz Qazi is the deputy head of the mission at the Pakistani embassy in Paris.
Meanwhile, the proposal also calls for the return of the French ambassador to Pakistan. But if Pakistan does so, it could create an atmosphere of tension between the two countries.