Beijing: It has been almost two and a half years since the Corona epidemic. Today the whole world is open-up, at present, there is no lockdown in any country except China. Within 5 days, 20 more cities of China had to impose lockdown. The number of cities with lockdown has now increased to 46 in China. Along with this, the population in lockdown has also increased from 21 crores to 34 crores now. The worst is in Shanghai and Beijing. Here people are not allowed to leave their homes. Even taking goods for home delivery has been banned.
Still, more than 5 thousand people are coming positive daily in Shanghai. Despite the failure of the zero covid policy in China, President Jinping is adamant about his zero covid policy. Jinping said in his address to the nation that corona infection can be controlled only with zero covid policy. No country should point fingers at this policy in China. In the case of infection in the zero covid policy, the patient is compulsorily admitted to the hospital.
On May 9, 3,475 new cases of the corona were reported in China. Symptoms of corona have been found in 357 people here. While there are 3118 people in whom no symptoms of corona have been found. So far 5191 people have died in China.

Strict restrictions in Beijing too
Meanwhile, the most severe sanctions have been announced in Beijing so far. In the southwest of here, on Monday all citizens were turned out to get out. Not only this, all activities related to the spread of the virus have also been forbidden.
School closure and testing orders
In order that the infection does not become uncontrollable like in Shanghai, it has been made more strict in Beijing. Lockdown has not been imposed in Beijing yet, but due to more than 1000 cases coming daily, orders have been issued to test all people between 2 years to 90 years. Beijing’s 60 subways have been closed without a lockdown announcement. Schools, restaurants-bars and gyms have been closed.
Life back on track in neighboring Hong Kong
Life is back on track in China’s neighboring Hong Kong. The main reason for this is Hong Kong’s non-adherence to the Zero Kovid policy. All hotel restaurants have opened in Hong Kong from May 5. Air travel was also opened without any restriction for people who had got both doses of the vaccine. An average of 300 cases are coming to Hong Kong every day. Whereas 2 months ago, an average of 12 thousand cases were coming here daily.