Jerusalem: 37 out of 40 reserve pilots of the 69th Squadron of the Air Force in Israel have announced that they will not participate in the reserve duty on March 8. These pilots flying F-15 fighter jets said that they are opposing the government’s plan to restrict the country’s judicial power. Israeli newspaper Haaretz has reported that pilots say that as long as the government continues with its judicial reform plans, pilots will not participate in training. However, the Israeli army has not commented on the matter at present.
These reserve pilots of Squadron 69, a specialized unit of the Israeli Air Force, had briefed their commanding officer. Here Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant has said that pilots should not do this. Such decisions harm the functioning and performance of the duties of the army. Former Prime Minister Yair Lapid has also said that such protests are wrong and I am against them. This is not the right way. Former Prime Minister Yair Lapid has said that Israel has an army and it is responsible for security, so not doing duty to protest is absolutely wrong. I can understand the pain, sorrow, and anger, but the army has duties for the country. They can never refuse.

The new bill of the Israeli government is opposed
According to the report, Squadron 69 of the Israeli Air Force operates advanced F-15 Thunderbird aircraft. It serves as the long-range strike arm of the Air Force. In 2007 the squadron and its reserve troops took part in an attack on a nuclear reactor in Syria. The right-wing coalition government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has brought a new bill, due to which protests have been going on for the last two months. It has been said that the government is trying to change the judiciary to curb the Supreme Court. At the same time, according to the report of the news agency Xinhua, PM Netanyahu, who is facing corruption charges, wants to gain more power over the legal system.