Mumbai: Bollywood star Sanjay Dutt has recovered from a disease like cancer. He faced the biggest challenge of life with great courage, in which along with the prayers of his fans, the vow and faith of his wife Manyata also remained in his support. After recovering from the illness, Manyata and Sanjay Dutt also celebrated their children’s birthdays together. Everyone saluted Sanjay Dutt’s emotions.
On the occasion of Dussehra, for Munnabhai Star, his wife Manyata Dutt posted a passionate message on social media and praised his courage in difficult circumstances. Manyata shared a video on social media in which Sanju Baba is seen doing Aarti. In the message, Manyata wrote to Sanjay Dutt as an inspiration for all to be successful in fighting every difficulty that comes his way. Manyata also called Sanjay Dutt his strength and pride.
With the video posted on social media, Manyatha wrote, “I am dedicating this festival of Dussehra to a person who has been such an inspiration not only for me, but also for many others. Whatever difficulties life has faced, it has always faced that struggle with patience, grace and love and when we finally felt that we have peace, life posed another challenge. Today he proved once again that with positive thinking every challenge can be overcome! There is really no one like Sanju, you taught me that when times get tough, one should not give up but fight it. You are my strength, my pride, my Ram !! ”
Earlier, Sanjay Dutt had made a post on social media on his children’s birthday after completing cancer treatment. In which he shared the information of his recovery with the fans and thanked them for their blessings and love.