New feature on Netflix, you can watch movies and shows even without internet connection!
Netflix has announced a new feature Download for You. With the help of this new feature, the shows and movies shown in their suggestions for the users will be automatically downloaded. Currently, this feature will be available globally for Android users and later it will also be made available for iOS users. Explain that with the help of this new feature of Netflix, users will be able to choose the data limit according to their preference. Let’s know how this new feature will work.
On enabling the feature, you will get the option to download up to 1GB, 3GB, or 5GB. According to the expectation, what users download through the feature will be available for viewing even when not connected to the Internet. Netflix said that this is a two step process.
How to use:
- If you also want to use the new feature, for this, first you have to go to the ‘Downloads’ tab, then after that users will have to click on Downloads For You.
- After this, you have to choose the amount of content that you want to download to your device. (1GB, 3GB, or 5GB) Users must click Turn on only after selecting the amount of content.
- New feature has been prepared for downloading new content, including movies.
For information, let us know that earlier this option was not there. According to Netflix, the content will be downloaded automatically and it will be based on the user’s choice.
Netflix said that it would start testing the feature on iOS soon. However, no information has been provided about its availability deadline on the iPhone and iPad.