Mumbai: Cyber crime wing of Mumbai Police has issued an advisory. In this, people have been warned about the pink WhatsApp version with more features of WhatsApp. Hackers are sending pink WhatsApp links to users claiming better looks and extra features. Mumbai Police says that by clicking on this link, the user’s phone can be hacked and after that hackers can misuse the personal data of the users and the bank account details present in the phone.
Please tell me that there are only two versions of WhatsApp at present and both come in green color. WhatsApp and WhatsApp Business. Download them from the official App Store i.e. Apple Store or Google Play Store only.
Mumbai Police has written in its advisory that the news related to WhatsApp with its new pink look and extra features is spreading rapidly. These are fake messages and through them, malware is being sent to your phone. Clicking on the link given in these messages can be dangerous for you.
How do these fake links work?
A fake link will come into your phone in the name of an official update of WhatsApp. By clicking this link, infected software can be installed on your phone. This can infect your phone as well as their phones which send you messages on WhatsApp. This infected software can bombard the user’s phone with pop-up messages or advertisements. Due to this software, the user can lose control of his phone. Mobile can be hacked, personal data can be misused, bank accounts can be emptied, and user names and identities can be misused.
What to do to avoid such apps?
- If WhatsApp Pink has been downloaded by mistake on your phone, then go to the settings of the phone, go to Apps, and then delete WhatsApp Pink.
- Never click on links coming from unknown sources.
- Always download apps from the official App Store.
- Do not forward any message without verifying it.
- Do not share your personal details, bank details, ATM or credit card details, ID password of any account with anyone. Even if someone calls and asks for any kind of OTP, do not give it to him.
These are useful things. But one thing that you always have to do is that you have to be alert. The numbers sending such messages should not only be blocked but also reported, so that action can be taken against them. Keep an eye on the news, so that you know in what way cybercriminals are trapping people and cheating with them.