Washington: US President Joe Biden has urged people who have not yet received anti-infection vaccines to be vaccinated amid the new wave of Covid-19. The President said that it is his duty towards the country. Biden said on Tuesday at the White House that to deal with the increasing cases of ‘Omicron’, a new form of coronavirus in the country, buy 500 million ‘rapid’ test kits and provide them free of cost to citizens. It has been decided to increase the facilities in the hospital and to double the speed of vaccination.
He emphasized that his appeal was not political. Biden said former President Donald Trump has also taken a “booster” dose and that every American citizen has a “duty to the nation” to get vaccinated. The President said, “This is the only responsible thing that we can do. ‘Omicron’ poses a major threat to people who have not received anti-infection vaccines.”
Biden also took a jibe at people on social media and cable TV for making misleading statements discouraging people against vaccination. Biden said the federal government needed to be more aggressive in dealing with this form of the coronavirus, and promised the country that there would be no widespread restrictions on schools or businesses.
He said, “I know you are all tired and upset. We all want it to end now, but we are still facing it. Now we have more weapons to deal with it than ever before. We are ready to deal with it.” Biden said scientists do not yet know everything about ‘Omicron’, but they do know that vaccination provides a strong shield against this serious disease and the risk of death from it.

The White House said that the purchase of 500 million ‘rapid test kits’ is an important part of the new plan made to deal with it. People will be able to get these kits for free from January through a new website. White House officials said they are working with the search engine ‘Google’ so that people can easily locate the nearest Covid-19 free test center near them.
In addition, the Federal Emergency Management Agency will deploy multiple ambulances and medical teams to help transport patients to other centers if one hospital is full. Ambulances have been dispatched to New York and Maine and medical teams are on their way to New Hampshire, Vermont, and Arizona.