Dubai: Three oil tankers in Abu Dhabi may have exploded with the help of drones and possibly because of this, the United Arab Emirates on Monday. An incident of fire broke out at an extension board of the main airport of Police said this in a statement. According to the report of Dubai’s Al-Arabiya English, three people have died in the incident. One Pakistani and two Indian nationals are among the dead. Six others received minor injuries. According to another report, Abu Dhabi Police has confirmed the explosion of three petroleum tankers in Musaffa.
However, Abu Dhabi Police described the fire at the airport as “minor” and said the fire started on an extension board of the city’s main airport, which is under construction. The statement also reported a separate incident of explosions in three petroleum tankers near a storage facility of Abu Dhabi’s state-owned oil company ADNOC. According to the Abu Dhabi Police, preliminary investigations have found small flying objects falling into both areas, which could possibly be related to the drone. These may have been the cause of the explosion and fire.

He said that no major damage was done in these incidents. The police did not give more information than this. Meanwhile, Yemen’s Houthi rebels claim to have launched an attack in the United Arab Emirates. The conflict between the UAE and Yemen has been going on since 2015. Houthi military spokesman Yahia Sarei said his group had carried out attacks deep into the UAE. Srei did not divulge further details, saying a statement would be issued soon.